Category: Health & Wellness

It’s National Infant Immunization Week: You Have the Power to Protect

National Infant Immunization Week is a yearly observance, highlighting the importance of protecting children two years and younger from vaccine-preventable diseases. This year, NIIW is from April 22 – 29. During this time, and throughout the year, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and Indian Health Service recommend that […]

Celebrate National Garlic Day… And Month!

April 19th is National Garlic Day, but you can celebrate it all month long, too, since April is National Garlic Month!  But that’s not the only reason to celebrate this edible herb.  Garlic has been an essential ingredient for cooks all over the world for hundreds of years, enhancing flavors for sauces, soups, stews, roasted […]

If You Feel Like You Can Never Get Enough Sleep, a New Gallup Poll Says You’re Not Alone

If you’re feeling sleepy or tired while you read this and wish you could get some more shut-eye, you’re not alone. A majority of Americans say they would feel better if they could have more sleep, according to a new Gallup Poll. But in the good ol’ U.S. of A., the ethos of grinding and pulling […]

April 16 is the Day of the Mushroom!

Get ready to go mushroom crazy on the Day of the Mushroom! From savory dishes to unique crafts, there’s endless ways to enjoy these delicious fungi. Mushrooms come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors. They can add a earthy, savory taste to dishes like pastas, pizzas, and soups. Plus, they are versatile enough […]

The YMCA wants you to Save the Date for Healthy Kids Day 2024!

The YMCA wants Kids and their whole family to celebrate health on Healthy Kids Day®, celebrated this year on Saturday, April 20! Healthy Kids Day® is the Y’s national initiative to improve the mental and physical health and well-being of kids and their families. For over 30 years, YMCAs and their communities hosted free community events […]

The Oura Ring wants to help You Detect Early Changes in your Health

The Oura Ring is getting a bit more experimental. Now, Oura users will get access to a new Oura Labs feature, which allows them to opt in to experimental features. The first will be something called Symptom Radar, which detects early signs of physiological strain. As The Verge reports, Symptom Radar isn’t quite illness detection — a […]

It’s Stress Awareness Month – Here are some Key Strategies to Managing Yours

Stress can be debilitating, and it can cause and/or aggravate health problems. And since stress is a normal part of human existence — nobody is immune to it — it’s important to arm ourselves with knowledge so that we recognize when stress rears its ugly head. (Amazingly, we don’t always notice it’s happening to us.) […]

April National Donate Life Month – Donors are Superstars!

There’s a lot to see in the sky this April. In the short time span of only thirty days, there will be both a solar eclipse AND a meteor shower, making it a pretty special time for two such rare occurrences. But there’s something else that makes April special, too: It’s National Donate Life Month! […]

What is Havana Syndrome? And what does Russia have to do with it?

New evidence suggests that Russia may be behind the mysterious neurological illness that has affected U.S. diplomats and government workers around the world. As Axios reports, a new investigation linked a Russian military assassination unit to cases of “Havana Syndrome,” contradicting the U.S’ previous assessment that it was “very unlikely” a foreign adversary was to blame. The joint investigation […]