The Fruits that are Safe for your Dog to Eat (And the Ones to Avoid)

It’s not uncommon to want to spoil your dog by sharing table scraps or your favorite people food snack instead of a dog treat. After all, if it is safe for you to eat, it must be OK for your dog to eat, right? Not necessarily. While many people foods are perfectly safe for dogs, some are very unhealthy and downright dangerous.

Dogs digest foods differently than humans do, and eating the wrong foods can lead dogs to long-term health problems and, in extreme cases, even death. The AKC says that as omnivores, dogs have no real need for fruits as part of their diet, but an occasional fruit as a treat is OK.

Here are the fruits that are OK for sharing in moderation and which should definitely be avoided.

Definitely YES

Yesdogs can eat apples. Apples are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber for your dog. They are low in protein and fat, making them the perfect snack for senior dogs. Just be sure to remove the seeds and core first. Apple seeds have cyanide, and while it may not be enough to kill them outright, over time, it’s a definite no-no. Apples are great frozen for an icy warm weather snack. You can also find it as an ingredient in apple-flavored dog treats.

Yesdogs can eat blueberries. Blueberries are a superfood rich in antioxidants, which prevent cell damage in humans and canines alike. They’re packed with fiber and phytochemicals as well. Teaching your dog to catch treats in the air? Try blueberries as an alternative to store-bought treats.

Yescantaloupe is safe for dogs. Cantaloupe is packed with nutrients, low in calories, and a great source of water and fiber. It is, however, high in sugar, so should be shared in moderation, especially for dogs who are overweight or have diabetes.

Yesdogs can eat mangoes. This sweet summer treat is packed with four different vitamins: A, B6, C, and E. They also have potassium and both beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. Just remember, as with most fruits, remove the hard pit first, as it contains small amounts of cyanide and can become a choking hazard. Mango is high in sugar, so use it as an occasional treat.

Yesdogs can eat oranges. Oranges are fine for dogs to eat, according to veterinarians, but they may not be fans of any strong-smelling citrus. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, and in small quantities, the juicy flesh of an orange can be a tasty treat for your dog. Vets do recommend tossing the peel and only offering your dog the flesh of the orange, minus any seeds. Orange peel is rough on their digestive systems, and the oils may make your dog literally turn up their sensitive nose.

Yesdogs can eat pears. Pears are a great snack because they’re high in copper, vitamins C and K, and fiber. It’s been suggested that eating the fruit can reduce the risk of having a stroke by 50 percent. Just be sure to cut pears into bite-size chunks and remove the pit and seeds first, as the seeds contain traces of cyanide. Skip canned pears with sugary syrups.

Yespineapple is safe for dogs to eat. A few chunks of pineapple is a great sweet treat for dogs, as long as the prickly outside peel and crown are removed first. The tropical fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It also contains bromelain, an enzyme that makes it easier for dogs to absorb proteins.

Yesdogs can eat raspberries. Raspberries are fine in moderation. They contain antioxidants that are great for dogs. They’re low in sugar and calories, but high in fiber, manganese, and vitamin C. Raspberries are especially good for senior dogs because they have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help aging joints. However, they do contain small amounts of xylitol, so limit your dog to less than a cup of raspberries at a time.

Yesdogs can eat strawberries. Strawberries are full of fiber and vitamin C. Along with that, they also contain an enzyme that can help whiten your dog’s teeth as he or she eats them. They contain sugar, so be sure to give them in moderation.

Yesdogs can eat watermelon. It’s important to remove the rind and seeds first, as they can cause intestinal blockage, but watermelon flesh is otherwise safe for dogs. It’s full of vitamin A, B-6, and C, as well as potassium. Watermelon is 92 percent water, so it’s a great way to help keep your dog hydrated on hot summer days. (You can even find watermelon-flavored dog treats these days.)

Definitely NOT

Nodogs should NEVER eat grapes. Grapes and raisins (dried grapes) have proved to be very toxic for dogs no matter the dog’s breed, sex, or age. In fact, grapes are so toxic that they can lead to acute sudden kidney failure. Always be mindful of this dangerous fruit for dogs.

Nodogs should avoid tomatoes. While the ripened fruit of the tomato plant is generally considered safe for dogs, the green parts of the plant contain a toxic substance called solanine. While a dog would need to eat a large amount of the tomato plant to make him or her sick, it’s better to skip tomatoes all together just to be safe.

Yes and No. Dogs should not eat cherries, UNLESS you remove the pits and other parts of the plant (stems, leaves, etc.). With the exception of the fleshy part around the seed, i.e. the fruit itself, cherry plants contain cyanide and are toxic to dogs. Cyanide disrupts cellular oxygen transport, which means that your dog’s blood cells can’t get enough oxygen. If your dog eats cherries, be on the lookout for dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, and red gums, as these may be signs of cyanide poisoning. Since removing pits is a pain for humans as we eat them, it may just be easier to avoid cherries altogether.

Yes, BUT use with CAUTION

Yesdogs can eat bananas. In moderation, bananas are a great low-calorie treat for dogs. They’re high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. They are also low in cholesterol and sodium. However, because of their high sugar content, the AKC says that bananas should be given as a treat, not part of your dog’s main diet.

Peaches (and plums, and apricots – all stone fruits)
Yespeaches are safe for dogs to eat. Small amounts of cut-up fresh or frozen peaches are a great source of fiber and vitamin A, and can even help fight infections, but just like cherries, the pit contains cyanide. As long as you completely cut around the pit first, fresh peaches can be a great summer treat. Skip canned peaches, as they usually contain high amounts of sugary syrups.


Yes, but the problem here, again, is with the seeds, which can cause inflammation in your dog’s intestine. IF you scrape out all the seeds, the meat of the fruit itself is not harmful, so if you cut bits of it, you should be fine.

Photo Credit: Zuzanna Paluch /