Let Them Eat Chocolate Cake!

Take a break from healthy eating and indulge in chocolate cake by having it for every meal on January 27th, National Chocolate Cake Day!

While cake as a sweet treat, and chocolate as a drink, have been around since ancient times, did you know that chocolate cake is a fairly recent invention? It’s believed that the world’s first chocolate cake was baked around the late 1800s after Bostonian Dr. James Baker discovered that one could grind cocoa using a water powered mill.

Since then, chocolate cake has rightfully become its own category of cake, with many different styles of chocolate cakes baked and consumed around the world. Some of the more popular types include German chocolate cake, Black Forest cake, chocolate fudge cake, and molten lava cake.

How do you celebrate National Chocolate Cake Day?  Why, with lots of chocolate cake, of course!  Heck, eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner today!  You only live once! And make sure to post your indulgence on social media with #NationalChocolateCakeDay.

Photo Credit:  Africa Studio / Shutterstock.com