Go for a Walk with your Dog in the Park Today!

Take a Walk in the Park Day is celebrated annually on March 30, which encourages all of us to invest in our health without spending any money! Who doesn’t like spending some quiet time in nature? All you have to do is put on some comfortable shoes and go for a peaceful walk in your nearby park. But hey, before you head out the door, why not get the leash and take the best walking buddy – your pup – with you?

Taking a leisurely stroll in the park is a fantastic way to clear your mind of everyday worries and appreciate the natural beauty around you. We love seeing our dogs happy – is there anything cuter than that butt wiggle they do when they’re excited? Knowing that a quick walk can make a positive impact in their day is the least we can do to try and match the joy they bring us every day.

And then there’s the health aspect. Walking with your dog helps your health and wellness, but it also promotes your dog’s proper health and quell behavioral issues, too. The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that more than 40 percent of dogs… a total of about 17 million in the United States, are overweight. That statistic is almost identical to the one for humans: according to the CDC, it’s estimated that about 42% of American adults have obesity, while about 30.7% are overweight.

Spring is a beautiful time of year to get outside and enjoy nature, the smell of flowers, the sunshine and fresh air… Walking not only increases the endorphins in both human and canine brains, it also improves the bond between dog parent and dog. So, it’s good for you, and it’s good for your pup. Go take a walk in the park today!

Photo Credit: Alina Bitta / Shutterstock.com