Category: Pets

Thinking of Buying a Baby Duck or Bunny for Easter? Animal Advocates are Asking you to Rethink it

The Easter season is often associated with baby animals, from cute yellow ducklings to fluffy bunnies. And some families are adding these cuddly critters to their kids’ Easter baskets. But as the LA Daily News reports, duck and rabbit rescue centers have a message for them — please don’t do it. They’re warning people not […]

And the Most Popular Dog Breed is…

In 2023, and for the second year in a row, the French bulldog claimed the top spot as the most favorite dog in America. As ABC’s Good Morning America reports, the stats are based on the American Kennel Club’s registration statistics. Meet the top dogs below. 1. French bulldog According to AKC, the French bulldog’s popularity has […]

It’s the International Day of the Seal – let’s Celebrate and Save this amazing Marine Mammal

Every year on March 22, the International Day of the Seal promotes the conservation of seals worldwide. It is also a day to celebrate this amazing marine mammal. Seals are not only adorable, but their presence in the world today has a significant impact. They are also the most targeted marine mammal on the planet. […]

Wolverines Could Be Poised for a Comeback in California

A new bill seeks to reintroduce Wolverines – solitary, muscular carnivores and apex predators – to the state’s mountainous regions, where they were hunted, poisoned and trapped into oblivion more than 100 years ago. As the Los Angeles Times reports, wolverines are exceedingly rare in all of the lower 48 states and received federal protection under […]

750-lb Pet Alligator, a “Gentle Giant,” Taken from Hamburg, New York Home

A Western New York community is rallying behind a man who kept an ailing 11-foot, 750-pound alligator in a pool inside his home — where children were invited to swim with the gentle giant. As The New York Post reports, the 34-year-old reptile was seized Wednesday from the Hamburg house, which was decked out with […]

Signs your Pet has Seasonal Allergies — and What You Can Do to Help Them

Spring is arriving this month, and with it, come the seasonal allergies. Some days it seems like you step outside into a thick cloud of pollen, ragweed, or even worse, mold. Thankfully humans have remedies that let us enjoy the outdoors without itchy eyes and inflamed sinuses. But what about our pets? They suffer from […]

Two Sled Dogs have Died During the Grueling 1,000-mile Iditarod, and Animal Activists Want to Put an End to the Race

Two dogs died over the weekend during Alaska’s annual Iditarod sled dog race, marking the first deaths during the race in five years and renewing calls to end the 1,000-mile (1,609-kilometer) competition that sees mushers and their canine teams traverse mountain ranges, a frozen river and sea ice — often during treacherous weather. As AP News […]

On K-9 Veterans Day, Thank Man’s Best Friends for Their Service

March 13 is K-9 Veterans Day, a time to thank man’s best friends for their decades of selfless service. Throughout history, dogs have accompanied man at work and play.  Even in the midst of men’s wars, dogs have been found serving in functions ranging from mascots to weapons of war.  Dogs for Defense A lot […]

March is National Pet Vaccination Month, and Petco Love wants to keep your furry family members “Vaccinated and Loved”

As spring rings in puppy and kitten season, the potential exposure to contagious and deadly viruses increases. These deadly diseases — parvovirus, distemper, and panleukopenia — are preventable. Declaring March as “National Pet Vaccination Month” encourages pet parents to ensure pets are up to date on vaccinations by visiting their veterinarian or a local community […]