It’s the International Day of the Seal – let’s Celebrate and Save this amazing Marine Mammal

Every year on March 22, the International Day of the Seal promotes the conservation of seals worldwide. It is also a day to celebrate this amazing marine mammal.

Seals are not only adorable, but their presence in the world today has a significant impact. They are also the most targeted marine mammal on the planet. These creatures are in danger of soon becoming extinct. Humans have always posed a significant threat to them, as people capture them for feed, blubber, or pelts. As a result, this day is observed to emphasize the importance of preserving their population.

This international holiday was first established on March 1, 1982, when the total number of seal species was already declining. Seals were increasingly becoming victims of humans. This is because humans hunted seals for their pelts, blubber, and meat. To put an end to this brutality, the day was proclaimed the “Day of the Seal.” The United States Congress established the worldwide holiday to raise awareness among Americans about the plight of seals. They developed several projects to raise awareness about the importance of protecting seals.

A seal is classified as a pinniped, which means “fin-footed” in Latin. The walrus and sea lion are two other pinnipeds. Seals are distinct from other pinnipeds in that they do not walk with their flippers. They frequently move about on their bellies when on land. Their flippers assist them to move quickly in the water. Seals are also calmer and smaller than sea lions and walruses.

Seals are located around the north and south poles. They are preyed upon by predators and hunters. This has put their population at risk. This day was established to raise awareness about how they might be saved.

This day is observed all over the world. Although seals dwell in the Arctic Circle and Antarctica, millions of people around the world adore them, and so this holiday is observed globally.

Fun facts about seals:
• A group of seals is called a herd or a raft.
• It is not uncommon for a herd to consist of 1,500 seals.
• There are thirty-three different species of seals.
• The layer of fat under a seal’s skin called blubber helps keep it warm in cold water.
• Their whiskers help them detect prey in murky water.
• Their lifespan ranges from twenty-five to thirty years.
• Female seals are called cows, and their babies are called pups. Male seals are called bulls.
• Smaller seals weigh 100 pounds, while the largest seals weigh over 7,000 pounds.

Photo Credit: Erwin Niemand /