Category: Health & Wellness

Best Exercise for Alzheimer’s

Fitness trainers take note!  In a concerted effort to determine if exercise could actually slow the effects of cognitive decline, researchers at the University of Connecticut recently analyzed almost 20 studies that focused on over 1,000 adults in their 70’s to early 80’s.  The results showed that certain kinds of exercise may actually help people […]

Pros Know Pilates

Ever since Joseph Pilates founded his studio in New York City about a century ago, his training method has focused on strengthening abdominal and trunk muscles—called the “core”—through hundreds of very specific movements. And while Pilates was never a dancer himself, his studio was conveniently located near a ballet studio, so his first Pilates clients […]

Think Before You Drink

It’s looking like the reported health benefits of drinking alcohol might have been just too good to be true.  A wide international investigation had researchers studying data from over 500,000 current drinkers in 19 countries, and the results are in.  The study found that the safe upper limit for alcohol consumption is only about 100 […]

Being Happy With Less

The supersizing phenomenon and ballooning portion sizes are considered a major player in the startling rise of obesity rates in the last few decades.  But before you get discouraged, there’s new research that suggests we can turn this around. A study in the April edition of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that exposure […]

Fatty Fish Helps Asthmatics Breathe Easier

An international study from La Trobe University has found that children with asthma who followed a healthy Mediterranean diet enriched with fatty fish showed improved lung function after just six months. The clinical trial involved 64 children from Athens in Greece, ranging in age from 5  to 12 who had mild asthma. Researchers from Australia […]

Get Kids Cooking to Make Healthier Adults

If you want your kids to grow up into health-eating adults, encourage them to get cooking.  Data was studied from the Project Eating and Activity in Teens and Young Adults in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and published by the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior earlier this year.   During the study, the participants ranging […]