Songs That Make Us Turn It Up!

Do you ever turn up the radio when a great song comes on the radio? Sure you do! There’s nothing better than the windows down and the radio up. Here are a few songs we previously haven’t talked about that make us turn it up!

If you have a problem, you must “Whip It” sounds like great advice, offered up by the oddest band from the cites of Kent, and Akron, OH. In their Haz Mat suits and funny Lego hats, the boys in the band gave us the catchy simple advice of how to solve any problem. Sadly, Bob Castle and Alan Myers, both original members from the early 70s, have died.

The song “Don’t Think Twice” from the band ‘The Wonder Who’ is a wonderful song that has an interesting backstory. If you think the lead singer sounds just like Frankie Valli of the Four Seasons then you’re right because it is Frankie Valli. The song had intended to be recorded by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, and while in the studio, things went awry. Frankie was not happy with the sound of his vocals, so he decided to mock his own style and sing it badly. Little did he know the tape machine was on capturing the take. A record executive of the label hear it and decided to release it under the group name ‘The Wonder Who,’ enjoying the irony as it hit the charts the same time Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons had one of their songs on the charts.

Photo credit: Songquan Deng /