The Biggest Home Improvement Trends during the Covid-19 Era

A new report from the Freedonia Group took a look at home improvement trends over the last couple of years, and the results from their national online surveys conducted over a half dozen times from 2021 to early 2022 showed that people were definitely into DIY during the COVID-19 years.

The consumer survey data collected by the Freedonia Group in February 2022 showed that 31% of consumers did more DIY home projects specifically because of the pandemic.

According to the data collected from their surveys, the home improvement projects that saw the biggest increase in 2020 and 2021 included:

Remodeling bathrooms

Perhaps it’s because bathrooms are a small contained space, and therefore not intimidating to tackle on your own.  Apparently plumbing doesn’t put off DIY’ers, who felt that remodeling a bathroom was something they could handle without a contractor.

Converting a room to a Home Office

This one’s a no-brainer, since so many people suddenly found themselves working remotely and in need of a good Zoom meeting space.

Adding a Deck, Patio, or Porch in the Yard

As people were forced to isolate, they started feeling the walls closing in and were desperately seeking outdoor living spaces.

It’s also interesting to note that many of the projects people said they were doing in 2020 and 2021 were listed as projects going into 2022 as well.  This is most likely due to the fact that some projects became delayed due to uncertainty or inability to get access to materials or workers needed to complete the project in the time or at the price expected, i.e. those pesky supply chain issues.

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