Selena Gomez Launches “Your Words Matter” Campaign

Selena Gomez is continuing her big year of mental health advocacy by introducing a brand new campaign about the importance of language for Mental Health Awareness Month, which takes place throughout the month of May.

The actress took to social media to announce the “Your Words Matter” campaign, explaining that the initiative aims to  “educate on the power of your words when talking about mental health.”

“Your words matter,” Gomez wrote on Instagram, explaining that her makeup company, Real Beauty, will be partnering with Mental Health First Aid for the campaign. “Join @RareBeauty for Mental Health Awareness Month as we share resources and bring awareness to the power of your words all month long on IG and Together we can break the stigma.”

Gomez then went on to share her reasoning behind “Your Words Matter:”

“Words can be a barrier to people seeking help and increase the stigma associated with mental health. Many of these words have been normalized and accepted for far too long, but it’s time we bring awareness to the words we use… because they matter.

Even in my own TikTok video, I now realize that my words matter and can have a powerful impact. Just like all of you, I’m learning every day. We may slip up, and that’s okay, what’s important is that we try to do better and give ourselves compassion.”

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