Want to extend the lift of your Water Heater? Drain the Sediment

You probably already have a home maintenance checklist: Replace the furnace filter each season, shut off water spigots before winter, clean the gutters, etc. That’s a good start, but there are jobs that homeowners often forget about, or don’t even know about. There are some home maintenance tasks that may not be on your list-items that may cause a big headache, or worse, cost you big money if you neglect them.

Case in point: a distraught homeowner called a plumber because her water heater wasn’t heating, and furthermore, it was leaking. Right away, the plumber asked if the homeowner had been draining some of the water from it every year. The puzzled homeowner said, ‘No. Why?’ It turns out that sediment will collect at the bottom of the tank, especially if you live in an area with water that has high mineral or debris content, common in a lot of rural areas.

Sediment build up creates hot spots on gas-powered heaters that can damage the tank and cause premature failure. On an electric water heater, sediment buildup can cause the lower heating element to fail. So, occasionally draining a water heater can significantly lower your energy bills and extend the life of your water heater – a costly item to replace.  Experts recommend draining water heaters at least once a year.

Photo Credit: Chad Robertson Media / Shutterstock.com