The Fight to #FreeBritney Continues

It has been just revealed that Britney Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, has agreed to step down from his daughter’s conservatorship.

Speaking up more than ever before, Spears has been urging the judge to remove her father from her conservatorship through blistering testimonies this summer, even telling the court that she wants to “press charges” against her father for “conservatorship abuse,” and that she wants him in jail. The turn of events is a massive win for the international pop star, who has been under a conservatorship for 13 years.

Her father’s decision to step down is being praised as a “major victory” by the singer’s new attorney, Mathew Rosengart, who says he intends to investigate Spears’ conduct over the past 13 years, and plans to depose him under oath.

Without Spears’ father involved in her conservatorship case, the goal would be for the singer’s conservators to work together with the eventual goal of safely getting her out of the court-ordered arrangement. As an attorney for Montgomery recently said: “We all need to focus on one thing, and one thing only — the health, well-being and best interests of Britney Spears.”

Fans across the globe rejoice as Britney is one step closer to freedom.

Photo Credit: Kathy Hutchins /