Young Female Wrestlers converge on Stillwater for Camp

According to, Helen Maroulis, the first American to win an Olympic gold medal in women’s freestyle at the 2016 Rio Summer Games; believes that one of the 200 girls that came to Stillwater for a wrestling camp will become the next great female wrestler. She is quoted in saying that, “I definitely think that with this group of girls, and with the level of women’s wrestling right now, the next future Olympic champion – or hopefully a future NCAA Division I champion – are all out there right now, That’s exciting.” Maroulis is one of the five female wrestlers working as clinicians for the first Sunkist Kids Girls Only Camp being hosted at Stillwater High School. The camp is utilizing the Oklahoma State dorms directly across the street to help make the camp and its goal of helping build the future of female empowerment through women’s wrestling.

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