WWP Research Uncovers Women Veterans’ Needs

New research from Wounded Warrior Project shows that women veterans face additional challenges to their male counterparts in transitioning to civilian life, accessing care, and receiving quality care that meets their needs. In addition, they are more likely to feel isolated in the veteran community, a factor that often exacerbates mental health challenges like anxiety. WWP shared the findings from its Women Warriors Initiative survey during a discussion with Brookings Institution Senior Fellow, Dr. Michael O’Hanlon. WWP Chief Program Officer Jennifer Silva and Vice President of Connection and Wellness Tracy Farrell explained the research and how it is guiding WWP’s legislative and programmatic efforts.

Chairwoman of the Congressional Women Veteran Task Force – Representative Julia Brownley of California’s 26th Congressional District – also joined O’Hanlon to share her legislative priorities as she leads advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill.

WWP surveyed nearly 5,000 registered women warriors and held an additional 13 roundtable discussions with nearly 100 women veterans. WWP explored the challenges they face with transition, access to care, mental health, financial stress, and isolation. Women veterans provided feedback on their military experiences and offered potential solutions to address these issues through legislative and executive action.

“Women make important contributions to our nation’s military, and we want to honor and empower them for success during and after service,” Silva said. “Wounded Warrior Project is committed to working with Congress and our partners to improve the quality of the support women warriors receive.”

Women are one of the fastest growing demographics in military service and the veteran community, and remain one of WWP’s top legislative priorities during the 117th Congress.

Photo Credit: Mie Ahmt / Shutterstock.com