Women in Techn Announce first Virtual Career Fair

Women in Technology has recently announced the launch of their Virtual Career Fair on Saturday, February 6th 2021.

“Empowering girls and women to enter STEM careers is near and dear to me. This is an era of technology and the gender disparity is alarming. I am excited for the WIT Virtual Career Fair. Events like this open the aperture for girls to explore various avenues that can expand their awareness of all the opportunities that exist within the vast areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.” – Sheila Jordan, Honeywell Chief Digital Technology Officer

WIT Members will have the opportunity to sign up for one-on-one live video chats with Georgia’s top employers, as well as take part in live professional development sessions. Event Sponsors receive a virtual booth and have an opportunity to showcase who their companies are, what services they offer and the job opportunities they have available to thousands of Women in Technology Members.

“We are incredibly excited to bring our WIT community and sponsors together knowing they will find solid connections, potential employment, and networking opportunities.” Paula Bolton, Chief Marketing and Program Officer at WIT.

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.com