Virginia Women’s Power Walking Group Almost at 1,000 Total Walkers

According to, In Richmond, Virginia some women are reclaiming their health a step at a time through coming together to become a part of a solution. Sharon Jennings and her Girl Trek sisters who all power walk together in order to promote better health in women via a 5:30 am group walk. Jennings who has lead the group for the last eight years is quoted in saying, “Walking for weight control and weight loss, but I also walked during my chemo and I thought, ‘Man I may not be able to do 6 miles, but I was able to do 3 and 4 miles,’ It kept me from being tired and letting chemo take me over.” She continued to say that she believes that Girl Trek is a global movement for women who are attempting to empower themselves through their own selfcare. According to Jennings, “We are promoting health and lots of ladies have gone on to be weightlifters. They are working out in gyms, they are hiking and we are doing things we have never done in our lives before.” She also said that RVA Girl Trek is only one walker away from reaching 1,000 total walkers in the group.

Photo Credit: Bignai /