TV Hits We Love – Part Two

There’s no better marketing for a song than TV and when that song is the theme from the popular television show, it’s a magical ‘one – two’ punch. Let’s look at part two of “TV Hits We Love.”

“Hawaii Five-0” by the Ventures was an instrumental song in the mi-60s that coincided with the popular crime TV show that happened to be in Hawaii. The Ventures have other songs that hit the charts, but this song was the signature tune. It also helps that CBS has brought back the popular show on Friday night, complete with the song that was also a hit.

“Those Were the Days,” the ‘All in the Family’ theme song, was unusual in a many ways. The song was very short, sung by its actual actors, and got lots of airplay because of the Norman Lear irreverent dialogue.

In the 60s, an adventurous TV show called ‘Mission Impossible’ hit the airwaves and became a cult program that was revitalized by the Tom Cruise films in recent years. Do you know who wrote the song? It was written by Lalo Schifrin in 1967, a writer that earned four Grammys and six Oscar nominations for his work in the film and movie industry. Lalo is strong kicking at 83 years of age.