True and False Trivia to Get You Through the Week

Olivia Newton John has her share of ups and downs; her husband was found to have faked his own death in 2005 (a drowning at sea) only to have been found 10 years later to be living with another woman, and she successfully beat cancer a few years ago.

We’re sad to report that Newton John went to her doctor to talk about her back pain, and the diagnosis is that her breast cancer has returned. We’ll think good thoughts for Olivia; in the meantime, here are a few true and false questions for you to ponder

1) While growing up Olivia originally wanted to be a veterinarian.
2) In 1973, her hit song “Let Me Be There” earned her a Grammy Award.
3) In 1974, Olivia lost out on the CMA honor of Country Music Association Female Vocalist of the Year.
4) Her 1981 song “Physical” was banned by many radio stations in Utah for its suggestive lyrics.
5) Before her birth, Olivia’s mum’s family fled Germany before WWII to avoid the Nazis.

1.) True (it was the music she heard on the radio that inspired to her dream).
2.) True (she beat out Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton for the award).
3.) False (she was having great success in this period, beating out the top stars of the day to win).
4.) True To get even however, Olivia made a video that was even sexier.
5.) True (Olivia is Jewish and related to a Nobel Prize-winning physicist).

Photo credit: Gajus /