Trouble in Los Angeles Involving Nick Young and D’Angelo Russell

The Los Angeles Lakers have had their troubles this year, performing quite unsuccessfully this season, but now it just got worse. There are reports out that the team is basically boycotting teammate D’Angelo Russell. The reason they’re doing this is because he posted a 30 second video of fellow teammate Nick Young discussing how he cheated on his fiancé, Iggy Azalea.

Reportedly, there have been instances where nobody sits with Russell while out to eat or even worse Russell goes to sit next to a teammate and that player gets up and moves. It sounds very high school-ish, but it seems like they just don’t trust him right now.

Things can’t get any worse for the Lakers at this point. They’re first round rookie point guard is being ignored by teammates because of a player who isn’t even a key player on the team.

Photo credit: Vasilyev Alexandr /