Trouble During Golden State Warriors Practice

According to, the Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green got into a physical altercation with his teammate Jordan Poole during a practice on Wednesday, the team confirmed this on Thursday. 32 year old Green has often gotten into in-game verbal altercations but crossed the line with his recent physical altercation with his teammate on Wednesday, and he will end up facing discipline from the Warriors. Stephen Curry, head coach Steve Kerr and general manager Bob Myers all spoke about the incident on Thursday. Myers stated that, “It’s the NBA. It’s professional sports. These things happen. Nobody likes it. We don’t condone it, but it happened, Draymond apologized to the team this morning. Jordan was there in the room. I was there in the room. The team, the coaches, the players, and we heard that.” Green did not attend practice on Thursday and also will not Friday but is expected to return on Saturday.

Myers continued to say that, “As far as any suspension, punishment, fine, we’re going to handle that internally, That’s going to be an internal process.” Kerr also stated that, “As a coach, anytime there’s something that happens, we try to handle things internally, [Green] didn’t practice today, won’t be here tomorrow. I expect him to return on Saturday and get back at it.” Continuing to say that, “Jordan has been fantastic throughout camp, There was a report that I was made aware of last night that someone put out there that Jordan had an attitude at camp — nothing could be further from the truth. He’s been fantastic. So, disappointing to see misinformation out there, but I wanted to make sure I set the record straight on that.”

Curry had something to say as well adding in that, “The specific tweet put out yesterday about insinuating that JP’s attitude or something has changed since he’s been in this training camp or even whatever time they’re talking about. It’s absolute B.S., Andre [Iguodala] addressed it yesterday with his tweet, and we can kind of leave it at that. JP’s been great.”

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