This Day in History – May 21st

1959 – The musical “Gypsy” opened on Broadway.

1968 – Brian Jones (Rolling Stones) was arrested for a second time for possession of cannabis in his London apartment.

1969 – John Lennon and Yoko Ono began a ten-day “bed-in” in Montreal’s Queen Elizabeth Hotel.

1970 – Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young recorded “Ohio.”

1971 – Paul McCartney released “Ram.”

1979 – Elton John began a series of Russian concerts that were videotaped for a cable-TV special and a videodisc. They were both titled “To Russia with Elton.” This was the first time a Western pop star played in the U.S.S.R.

1980 – Joe Strummer (Clash) was arrested at a Hamburg, West Germany, show after smashing his guitar over the head of an audience member.

1985 – Marvin Gaye’s “Dream of a Lifetime” was released. It was the last album he recorded.

1996 – The Metallica single “Until It Sleeps” was released.

Photo Credit: Karin Hildebrand Lau /