Hollywood has taken the reality show genre to the next level, introducing ‘The Jurassic Games’ movie trailer this week, generating quite a stir. The film will bear a haunting familiarity to Hunger Games, Devi’s Island, or Predator, as deported criminals on a deserted island fight pre-historic Raptors and other extinct animals in search of freedom. The film carries with it an all-star lineup: Ryan Merriman, Perrey Reeves, Erika Daly and Adam Hampton star in the film. The film opens in a few weeks.
The other exciting film to keep an eye out for is the project ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ which opens in July of this year. The storyline is said to be one of the most interesting for fans, and the cast will also carry Karen Gillan, Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Holland, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson.
Photo credit: Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock.com