The Penguin, one of Batman’s most notorious villains, is getting his own spinoff series centered around actor Colin Farrell’s portrayal of the character. The trailer for the show, currently in production, features a combination of filmed footage and behind-the-scenes clips, giving viewers a glimpse of Penguin’s criminal activities and his quest for power in Gotham City.
Farrell expressed his excitement last year about exploring Oswald Cobblepot’s rise to power, stating that “The world that Matt Reeves created for The Batman is one that warrants a deeper gaze through the eyes of Oswald Cobblepot.” Alongside Farrell, the show’s cast includes Rhenzy Feliz, Cristin Milioti, Michael Zegen, Theo Rossi, and Clancy Brown. The series is set to stream on the newly rebranded service, Max, following the merger of Warner Bros and Discovery. Fans of the Batman franchise can look forward to seeing The Penguin wreaking havoc on the streets of Gotham in what promises to be a thrilling new series. Watch the chilling trailer here.
Photo Credit: Fred Duval /