The Most Admired in the United States

YouGov has released its annual edition of most admired people in the world and in the United States and the list is quite entertaining. As you might expect, many at the top are those that are always on the screen in front of us.

YouGov asks those inside the United States two questions to help determine this ranking of most admired people. After gaining a pool a people that fit this criteria based on polling panelists, they asked people to make as many selections as they’d like concerning people they admire on the list. They then had to pick just one who they admired the most. After this was done, the stats were created! Let’s take a look…

For men, Barack Obama, Pope Francis, and Bill Gates lead the way as the top three most admired people in the United States. After that we see Stephen Hawking, Billy Graham, Bernie Sanders, Jimmy Carter, Donald Trump, Dalai Lama, and Benjamin Netanyahu.

For Women, Michelle Obama, and Ellen Degeneres are the top three and are no surprise. The rest of the top ten looks like this: Malala Yousafzai, Condeleeza Rice, Sandra Bullock, Barbara Bush, Laura Bush, Elizabeth Warren, and Angelina Jolie.

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