The Anniversary of Notorious B.I.G’s Shooting

19 years ago this week, Notorious B.I.G. was shot and killed in Los Angeles. The victim of a drive-by shooting, Biggie was only 24 years old, but already known as one of the best rappers of all time.

There are many theories surrounding his murder, but nobody really knows for sure why it all happened. There was definitely the east-coast west-coast rivalry, but nothing confirmed. Tupac Shakur had been murdered six months before Biggie was shot four times and killed, but we can’t confirm that either. The only thing we can confirm is that we lost one of the greatest of all time way too soon.

While he passed that March 9th night, he would release an album a few weeks later and then two more after that. Because of his hard work, his legacy lived on much longer than he did. At his funeral many stars came to pay their respects. The list included Flava Flav, Lil’ Kim, Run-D.M.C., Salt-N-Pepa, and Busta Rhymes among many others.

Photo credit: David McIntyre