The Academy of Women Entrepreneurs Alumna, AWE, Are Fighting Hunger in The Bahamas

According to, the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) alumna, Chef Chanté Basden is incredibly passionate about both food and her community. While selling out cream cheese Danishes daily at Bahamas Tastiest Bakery, she also fights the fight when it comes to female empowerment and helping the less fortunate with food instability. According to Basden, “My passion ignited when I would cook with my grandma on Sundays, I would just keep learning and learning. I realized that I love the kitchen.” After culinary school Basden took over her families bakery, and used it for good after the 2019 hurricane took place on the island. At the time of the hurricane Basden stayed baking bread as long as she could for the community, and that was just the start. Basden uses her bakery to educate the community oh how to make simple, cost-effective recipes,  to make their own food, as well as, providing people with free food. Basden also started a second store called The Chef Store, that empowers young women with ingredients and supplies as they learn important aspects of running a business through Basden. Basden credits the AWE program for her success in saying, “Once you’ve completed the AWE program, it’s like you’re set for life, It’s an investment in you.” The program is a part of the U.S. Department of State that gives women knowledge, networks, and access that they need to launch businesses. Today, the program has helped over 280 women in the Bahamas alone, forge partnerships to help support women’s business success.

Photo Credit: charliefletcher0 /