Teen Girls Learn Self-Defense at Police and Firefighter Camp

According to mlive.com, in Ann Arbor, Michigan there was a summer camp for 15 local girls from ages 13-17 called “Blaze & Blue Camp”. The camp was hosted by Ann Arbor police and fire departments and held its inaugural session from June 27th- June 30th, and was a part of the departments efforts to introduce girls to impressive women with first responder careers. The camp featured car extrication, rappelling from heights and learning self defense. The camp had participants working with the firefighters for both Monday and Tuesday, while the police department worked with the girls on Wednesday and Thursday. Teen, Gulara Yakubova, 13, was quoted in saying that she was originally interested in the camp because she has always been into helping people. She continued to say that, “I really like interacting with the women firefighters because I don’t see a lot of them.” Activities done with the fire department included a search-and-rescue unit, rides in the fire trucks and vehicle extrication where campers got to cut apart a Dodge Neon. On the other hand, during the police portion the girls the girls learned how to take fingerprints, talked to members of the judicial system and trained with a self-defense instructor. They also learned about crime scene investigation and mugshots, as well as receiving a tour of the police station. Setting up a wonderful experience for the girls to see other career opportunities to empower themselves and other young girls.

Photo Credit: Yuganov Konstantin / Shutterstock.com