Indiana Jones may have had ophidiophobia, the fear of snakes, but Harrison Ford does not particularly hate them. In fact, Ford said in his younger days, he might have made friends with the new species named after him. “The snake’s got eyes you can drown in, and he spends most of the day sunning himself […]
Tag: USA Today
Left or Right Arm? New Study Shows Choosing where to get Vaccinated Makes a Difference
When you roll up your sleeve to get routine vaccinations, do you prefer a jab in your right or left arm? New data suggests the choice you make matters. As USA Today reports, researchers in Germany found people who got all their shots in one arm had a stronger immune response than those who distributed […]
The Nation’s Drought shows signs of Spreading into the Midwest
Heavy winter snows have temporarily eased the well-documented water crisis in western states including Colorado and California, but now Midwestern farmers in America’s Breadbasket are worrying more about their crops as drought worsens across Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri and Ohio. As USA Today reports, while Midwestern dry spells aren’t unusual, the current lack of rain is compounding existing problems with dry […]
Florida was hit by a Meteotsunami Last Week. Here’s What That Means….
For a state that sees natural disasters regularly, the words “Florida” and “tsunami” rarely, if ever, go together within a sentence. According to Storm Advisor, there have been just eight tsunamis in Florida since 1848, with the most recent one being in 2001. But as USA Today reports, some residents of Clearwater Beach found themselves at the scene of […]
It Always Gets Hot in Texas in the Summer – But This is Different, and it’s Proving Deadly
The brutal heat wave punishing Texas is expected to worsen and expand in the coming days, according to forecasting models, before extending its reach to other states. “The never-ending and dangerous heat wave in Texas will persist through the weekend into next week,” the National Weather Service said on its website. ” On Friday, Texas, Arizona, New […]
How Much Should Dogs Sleep?
It’s so cute to look over and see your pup snoozing away (even when they’re snoring loud enough to wake the dead), but as USA Today reports, if it seems like your dog is sleeping too much, or too little, it might be cause for concern. According to veterinarian Nicole Savageau, it’s actually normal for most dogs […]
Are You a Mosquito Magnet? A New Study shows Changing Your Soap Could Save Your Skin
If you’re that person who is seemingly the only one in groups to get ravaged by mosquitoes in the summer, a new study may be a beacon of hope. As USA Today reports, the study, conducted by Virginia Tech researchers in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (and partially funded by the U.S. Department of […]
Lawsuit Claims ‘No Generics’ Deals Blocked Pet Owners from Cheaper Flea-and-Tick Treatments 
Pet owners paying for Advantage II and K9 Advantix II topical flea-and-tick treatments could have saved hundreds of dollars by now had they switched to the generic versions that first hit the market six years ago. But first, they would have had to find them. As USA Today reports, cheaper equivalents for the blockbuster brands, which both […]
Want to see the Northern Lights? You’re in Luck, thanks to the Solar Maximum!
The northern lights, aka the aurora borealis, have been appearing more frequently in the night sky over the United States recently. In late April, for example, a stunning aurora display was seen as far south as Arkansas in the South and Arizona in the West. So why the uptick in aurora sightings? And is this expected […]
California Condors face a new Deadly Threat: Avian Flu
The avian influenza stalking wild and domestic bird flocks across the country has killed at least six endangered California condors since March and is suspected of killing another dozen, according to USA Today. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said it’s now attributing all condor deaths in the Arizona-Utah wild flying population to suspected cases of […]