Tag: Instagram

Selena Gomez Has Been Working on Her Mental Health: “I Found it Difficult for Me to Be Me” 

In a new interview, Selena Gomez has opened up about working on her mental health for the last two years.  The actress and singer spoke about how she suffered an emotional breakdown in 2018, leading her to seek dialectical behavior therapy to manage depression and anxiety.  “I became aware that my little world is complicated, […]

Abigail Breslin critica a la comentarista por llamarla “patética” por usar máscara después de que papá murió de COVID-19

Abigail Breslin no dudó en oponerse a un comentario negativo publicado en respuesta a una foto de Instagram de ella con una máscara mientras viajaba en una montaña rusa en Las Vegas, que decía: “¿Quién es el patético perdedor que lleva una máscara?” “Ese patético perdedor sería yo, alguien que perdió a su padre debido […]

Abigail Breslin Blasts Commenter For Calling Her “Pathetic” For Wearing Mask After Dad Died From COVID-19

Abigail Breslin did not hesitate to stand up against a negative comment posted in response to an Instagram photo of her wearing a mask while riding a roller coaster in Las Vegas, which said: “Who’s the pathetic loser wearing a mask?”  “That pathetic loser would be me, someone who lost their dad due to someone […]

Billie Lourd Honors Her Mother Carrie Fisher Five Years After Her Death 

In an Instagram post on the 27th of this month, Billie Lourd opened up about her experience with grief as she marked the fifth anniversary of her mother Carrie Fisher’s passing.  “People always ask me what stage of grief I’m in. And my answer is never simple,” Lourd began in her caption beneath a throwback […]

Billie Lourd honra a su madre Carrie Fisher cinco años después de su muerte

En una publicación de Instagram el 27 de este mes, Billie Lourd habló sobre su experiencia con el dolor al conmemorar el quinto aniversario del fallecimiento de su madre Carrie Fisher. “La gente siempre me pregunta en qué etapa del dolor estoy. Y mi respuesta nunca es simple”, comenzó Lourd en su pie de foto […]

Kourtney Kardashian Calls Out Pregnancy Rumors on Instagram 

Earlier this week, Kourtney Kardashian was quick to squash pregnancy rumors—as well as critical comments—on an Instagram post of herself in a bikini. A user wrote: “not to be that girl but… is that a preg belly.”  In response, Kardashian called out the frequency in which the rumors about her body fly across the internet. […]

Kourtney Kardashian denuncia rumores de embarazo en Instagram

A principios de esta semana, Kourtney Kardashian se apresuró a aplastar los rumores de embarazo, así como los comentarios críticos, en una publicación de Instagram de ella misma en bikini. Un usuario escribió: “no ser esa chica, pero … es una barriga embarazada”. En respuesta, Kardashian mencionó la frecuencia con la que los rumores sobre […]

Jay-Z Finally Joins Instagram, Only Follows Beyoncé 

Yesterday, new Rock Hall inductee Jay-Z finally decided to join Instagram and music fans everywhere are already swarming to follow his account–which, of course, is only following one other person: Beyoncé. Instead of kicking his social media presence off with a dramatic selfie or even a clip from his Rock Hall acceptance speech, Jay-Z instead […]

Kelly Osbourne regresa a las redes sociales, celebra su 37 cumpleaños y 5 meses de sobriedad

“¡¡¡Hoy es mi cumpleaños número 37 y tengo 5 meses sobrio !!!” Kelly Osbourne publicó en las redes sociales su regreso luego de un descanso de tres meses. “¡Estoy lleno de tanta gratitud que es casi abrumador!” A principios de este año, en abril, Osbourne reveló a los fanáticos que había recaído. Y, para agregar […]

Kelly Osbourne Returns to Social Media, Celebrates 37th Birthday and 5 Months of Sobriety 

 “Today marks my 37th birthday and I’m 5 months sober!!!” Kelly Osbourne posted on social media for her return following a three-month break. “I am filled with so much gratitude it’s almost overwhelming!”  Earlier this year, in April, Osbourne revealed to fans that she had relapsed. And, to add to an already difficult year for […]