Tag: Accuweather

Alberto, Atlantic Hurricane Season’s First Named Tropical Storm of 2024, Hits the Gulf Coast Hard

Over halfway into the first month of the 2024 hurricane season, activity has ramped up in the Atlantic. Abnormally warm waters across portions of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico have helped to promote prime conditions for tropical development this week, with another chance of formation forecast by late week. As AccuWeather reports, meteorologists […]

WMO states there’s an 80% chance Earth will exceed Paris Climate Agreement Warming Limits in the Next Five Years

“Deadliest tornado season ever.” “Most aggressive hurricane season forecast ever.” “Hottest year on record.” “Early wildfires in California could signal worse to come.” Volcanoes are erupting, glaciers are melting, and cities are flooding around the world. These are all signs that the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) prediction is true. As AccuWeather reports, last week, the […]

After a mild Spring, first Summer Heatwave to hit Northeast Next Week

The pattern for the northeastern United States will be a ‘tale of two weeks’ as low humidity and cool to seasonable air much of this week are replaced with surging heat this weekend and the first heat wave of the season for millions next week, AccuWeather meteorologists say. Opportunities for rain will be limited, a switch from […]

The NHC releases its Hurricane Season Names for 2024

The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season officially began on June 1, and it is predicted to be one of the most active on record, with AccuWeather experts forecasting 20 to 25 named storms in 2024. With so many storms likely this year, a bevy of names will be used, including a few that have never been used before. […]

It’s been a Near-Record “Hyperactive” Tornado Season, and we’re Not Through Yet

A “hyperactive” May in the 2024 tornado season has produced hundreds of twisters in the Plains and Midwest. While final numbers won’t be out until later this month, 552 preliminary tornado reports could break the record, with the previous record being 550 in May 2003, according to the National Climatic Data Center. By the Numbers […]

NOAA issues Highest-ever Early Forecast for the coming Hurricane Season

Here we are, dealing with one of the worst tornado seasons in modern memory, and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasters have just released the highest hurricane season forecast they have ever released in May. “The forecast for named storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes is the highest NOAA has ever issued for the […]

Summer’s Barely Begun and a “Heat Dome” is Already Hitting the Western States, Sparking Wildfire Fears & Health Risks

Temperatures on the West Coast are expected to peak into triple figures for the first time this year due to a large “heat dome” that may bring further wildfires and potentially life-threatening conditions. As The Independent reports, more than 10 million people in California, Nevada and Arizona are expected to be affected by the phenomenon, which will bring “dangerous heat” through the week. The National Weather Service said by […]

Are Hail Stones getting Larger, and if so, Why?

In addition to several deadly tornadoes, severe storms brought heavy rain, gusty winds and damaging hail to parts of Iowa last week. Two-inch-diameter hail was reported in Pella, a town southeast of Cedar Rapids, after hail was observed in Kansas and Colorado on Monday. As AccuWeather reports, statistics show an increase in the number of large hailstones in the United […]

Houston Storms leave Death and Destruction in their Wake – Power Outages Could Last Weeks

Fast-moving thunderstorms pummeled Texas and Louisiana late Thursday and early Friday, killing several people, flooding roads and leaving nearly 1 million homes and businesses without power, according to poweroutage.us. At least seven people died as destructive winds and torrential rain blasted through Houston, ABC local affiliate KTRK reported, adding that officials are still determining the numbers. […]

More Heavy Rains expected from Texas to Florida – Communities Brace for possible Life-Threatening Flooding

Areas from northeastern Texas to central and southern Alabama, and perhaps northern Florida, are bracing for the flooding consequences of 4-8 inches of rain and locally higher amounts into this weekend, in addition to severe thunderstorms, AccuWeather meteorologists warn. The atmosphere is not ready to let go of the pattern responsible for rounds of heavy rain in […]