Susan Sarandon is considered Hollywood royalty, appearing in many of our favorite movies over the years, including ‘The Witches of Eastwick,’ ‘Bull Durham,’ and ‘Thelma & Louise.’ She’s making news this week, not for her acting but for her activist behavior; Susan was arrested recently for her participation in the protest on Capitol Hill against the administrations ‘family separation’ actions during the illegal border crossings controversy.
Susan Sarandon has honed her skills as the voice of reason and liberal viewpoints, joining hundreds of women in the protest, organized by the Women’s March and the Center for Popular Democracy. The publicity of the protest was somewhat dampened by the newspaper shooting which occurred a few hours later, but in the peaceful protest, women wrapped themselves in foil blankets and staged a sit-in to make their point.
In all nearly 600 women were arrested at the Capitol, generating the Twitter social handle #WomenDisobey.
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