Songs That Make Us Feel Good – Part Three

Music lifts the spirits, captures our imagination, making dreams come true. Music also makes us feel good. Here are more ‘feel good’ songs that we love to hear…

“Tainted Love” by Soft Cell is a marvelous feels good song about a rotten love – a contradictory thought, but lead singer Marc Almond continues to tour today.

“Spirit in the Sky” by Norman Greenbaum almost wants to make you go to church.

“Itchycoo Park” by the Small Faces is fun, a little psychedelic, and gives you the freedom to sing in the shower.

“Magic Carpet Ride” by Steppenwolf brings out the bad boy or girl in you, and puts you on the road to happiness.

“Classical Gas” by Mason Williams was an exception to the music that was on the charts when it rose to popularity. The song is an instrumental, a classical guitar tune, barely three minutes long. This song was uplifting and memorable, making us feel so good when we heard it.

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