Sitting Is The New Smoking

Sitting for extended periods of time is now considered to be as harmful to our health as smoking cigarettes. Bad news for those of us who spend hours in the car commuting, only to spend more hours sitting at a desk, then more hours in the car, followed by couch potato city at night. So, we work out. Even an hour a day of exercise doesn’t come close to balancing out the other ten to twelve hours we spend on our butts.

Many people are now turning to using standing desks at the office. So, does it help? Well, yes and no. Research shows that standing for six hours – about half the average work day – helps to burn about 50+ more calories, which can translate into a weight loss of about five pounds over the course of a year. Standing is also linked with improved blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, reduced triglyceride levels, and even improved cognitive function. Want to brainstorm at work? Stand up and get those juices flowing!

However, a 2018 study in Ergonomics showed that while problem solving improved, physical fatigue and discomfort actually increased, posture began suffering, and the overall mental state deteriorated as a result. So, while standing for hours on end might not be the answer, breaking it up and standing more often should improve long-term health. Let’s MOVE!

Photo Credit: Pachai Leknettip /