Shania Twain Once had A Horse That Pooped On Stage

Shania Twain recently told a bit of an awkward story while on the Kelly Clarkson Show, admitting that her horse once relieved itself on stage at one of her shows.

Twain stated, “Well, actually the biggest mishap I’ve had on stage is with my horse, One time my horse — I was on stage — drops a big poop. And I mean, it’s big and it’s steamy and it’s stinky, you know. I mean, not for me, I love the smell of horse poop. Everything I own smells like horse poop, but it was just really awkward. And so I just had to say ‘Well, sh-t happens,'”

Clarkson responded to Twain saying, “I actually would have loved that, being at that show.”

Twain told another story of quick changes during her live performances, where artists have only a few minutes to change outfits between songs. Twain said that, “There’s lots of swearing in the quick change — it’s a scream, swear fest because you have to get out there in time, One time in my quick change, they forgot to do something. They zipped me but didn’t do the …, And I jumped around a lot on that tour so my dress almost came completely off. And I was commando.”

Meanwhile, Twain starts her Queen of Me Tour on April 28th, a tour that will run through November 14th and include 70 dates of performances.

lev radin /