September 9th is National “I Love Food” Day!

While it may seem wildly unnecessary (come on, who doesn’t love food?), enough folks thought that declaring a special day to tell everyone that, “Hey, I love food,” was super important, and apparently enough folks agreed to the point that yes, September 9 is the official, “I Love Food” Day.


To help celebrate this day, you could…

Throw a dinner party.  Fondue, anyone?

Fire up that grill and throw some Shrimps on the Bar-be!

Call up some pals and go out to get your grub on!

Get thee to an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet, pronto!

Visit a Farmer’s Market and get some fresh seasonal produce or handcrafted jams and pastries.

Sign up for a cooking class and discover a whole new culinary side of yourself.

Go to the grocery store and guy something new, something you’ve never tasted before, but been wanting to try.

You might even want to take some foodie photos and post them on social media using the official #ILoveFoodDay tag.

Photo Credit:  Zhuk Roman /