Roger Waters Says That He Felt ‘Constrained’ by Being a Member of Pink Floyd

According to, Roger Waters recently talked about his feelings that he felt constrained by being a member of Pink Floyd. Waters also stated that he felt as if he was under pressure to play some of the band’s classics at his solo shows, although he often would balance that against his enjoyment of playing the songs.  Waters is quote din saying, “Audiences are far more attentive to what I have to say now than they were then, And, also, I say it more coherently and clearly now than I did then, because now I’m not constrained by the rock group that I was with then. They were always trying to drag me back from my natural instinct, which is to tell the truth.” Waters is currently in the middle of his “This Is Not a Drill” tour where he said that he has played, “a lot of The Dark Side of the Moon, to some extent against my better judgment. I am under pressure from all of those people to actually deliver some of that to them.” Waters This IS Not a Drill tour will be continuing until October 15th, just know if you do go to his shows to expect him to play more songs that he wants to rather then “fan favorites”.

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