Roger Waters Explains The Warning at His Concerts

According to, Roger Waters the former Pink Floyd bassist/singer begins each and every one of his current, This Is Not a Drill Tour, concerts with a warning that states, “If you’re one of those ‘I love Pink Floyd, but I can’t stand Roger’s politics’ people, you might do well to fuck off to the bar right now. Thank you, and please enjoy the show.” In a recent interview with CNN Waters stated, “It’s a really good way to start the show. Apart from anything else, it sets a few things straight. It also encourages a lot of the people who’ve come to the show because they have listened to everything I’ve written since, you know, 1965 or wherever I started writing songs [laughs]. So, they do know what my politics are and they do understand where my heart is and they understand sort of why I’m there.” He elaborated saying that perhaps it also serves as a reminder to people who don’t exactly want to be there, that they may be better off at the bar. He wrapped up the interview saying that, “don’t annoy the people who do understand what’s going on in the arena.”

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