Robert Plant and Alison Krauss Team Up Again After 14 Years to Release New Song

Following a multi-award-winning Raising Sand released back in 2007, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss blend their classic rock and country sounds for another collaboration, “High and Lonesome,” appearing as the only original track on their upcoming album Raise the Roof.

Despite the 14-year gap between album releases, Plant and Krauss are confident about the strength of their project. 

“I thought I’d got America down, but here was this whole world of country music I’d not encountered,” explained Plant. “That’s the great thing about me and Alison — we’re ably supported by a world of beautiful music that one of the other of us doesn’t know too much about.” 

Releasing on November 19 of this year, Plant and Krauss’ Raise the Roof is, in Krauss’ own words, a “romance in contrast.” 

Photo credit:  s_bukley /