Riverstone Wellness Center Holds Creativity Circle For Girls

According to kernvalleysun.com, in Kernville, California The Riverstone Wellness Center held it’s first ever Creativity Circle for girls empowerment. Girls from fourth to eighth grade were able to do crafts and connect with their peers, with each class they took having a different craft, different conversation, and ew experience for the girls. According to Vanessa Herrera, a group facilitator, “The girls started a little apprehensive and shy not knowing exactly what to expect from the crafting circle, but now they are chatty and enjoy creating together, The girls say they come back because it is fun and exciting, plus they like the snacks.” The Riverstone Wellness Center also stated that, “feeling like you are a part of a community and having a creative outlet for your feelings and emotions is not only fun, but also important to our overall wellness.” The overarching goal of the program is to help young girls be creative and socialize with their peers, in a safe environment. The staff wants to empower the girls through their craft-making, and explore colors through a paint pour, that the girls loved due to the messy nature of the craft. Riverstone is hoping to once again offer a crafting circle for young girls in the fall or winter, and is also offering Tai Chi lessons that start on August 21st, more information can be found on the organization’s website riverstonewellness.org.

Anna Kutukova / Shutterstock.com