Rihanna and Drake Working Non Stop at the Top

When Rihanna and Drake released the hit “Work,” we’re not sure anyone thought it would be this popular, but it has been. The two of them have strung together a hit that has been at the top of the Billboard 100 chart for six straight weeks. The two of them are two of five artists to reach number one on this chart so far in 2016.

The song was released at the end of January and received mix reviews from the start. There have been two music videos attached to the song, one directed by Tim Erem and the other by Director X. Beware of kids being around when checking out the music videos, let’s just say that.

This number one hit makes for Rihanna’s 14th on the Billboard Hot 100, while “Work” has become his second to do so.

Photo credit: landmarkmedia / Shutterstock.com