Christina Aguilera’s New Game Show Coming to Spike

Christina Aguilera has really hit it off big on The Voice and she’s now capitalizing on her great on television personality. It has been confirmed that the channel Spike TV will be running a new game show called “Tracks.” The show will be produced by Christina, the executive producer, and will be a close version […]

Los altos Semillas en el torneo de la NCAA No estamos de Compra

La locura de marzo comienza el jueves, por lo que tenemos el tiempo justo para alimentar a usted algunos consejos más para sus soportes. En esta edición, vamos a estar señalando una o dos semillas que estamos evitando lejos en el torneo. El primer equipo que estamos evitando Villanova es por una razón grande, sus […]

Elle King’s Influences and Early Beginnings

Elle King has hit it big with her hit “Ex’s and Oh’s” and now we’re left sitting here waiting for more! What will be the next big hit from Elle?! While we’re waiting, let’s take a look at a few things you may not have known about the singer born in Los Angeles, California. By […]