Demi Lovato Mourns Loss of Grandmother

Unfortunately for Demi Lovato, she didn’t have the best of Memorial Day weekends. Instead of celebrating those who lost their lives for this country, Demi was grieving over the loss of her great grandmother, “Mimaw.” Mimaw was loved immensely by her and what makes this even sadder is that her great grandfather passed away at […]

Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, and Other Hollywood Birthdays

This week in Hollywood we have plenty of stars celebrating a birthday. We’re not just talking about actors and actresses though. Clint Eastwood celebrates a birthday and he’s made a big name for himself as a director as well as an actor. Let’s talk about Clint and the other Hollywood stars celebrating a birthday this […]

Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, y Otros Hollywood Cumpleaños

Esta semana en Hollywood que tiene un montón de estrellas celebrando un cumpleaños. No sólo estamos hablando de actores y actrices sin embargo. Clint Eastwood celebra un cumpleaños y que ha hecho un gran nombre para sí mismo como un director y como actor. Vamos a hablar de Clint y las otras estrellas de Hollywood […]