Ken Howard ‘White Shadow “Entrenador de Baloncesto Fallece

La serie de televisión ‘The White Shadow’ era más que un programa popular a finales de los años 70; que era un presagio de oscilación política del país a la igualdad que dominaría los años 80. El actor que fue entrenador del equipo de baloncesto de alta Carver más de tres años, Ken Howard, murió […]

Ken Howard ‘White Shadow” Basketball Coach Passes Away

The TV series ‘The White Shadow’ was more than a popular program in the late 70s; it was a harbinger of the country’s political swing to equality that would dominate the 80s. The actor that coached Carver High’s basketball team for over three years, Ken Howard, died this week at the age of 71. Ken […]

Justin Bieber’s Album Debut 6 Years Ago

It feels like so long ago that Justin Bieber broke onto the scene and dominated teen girl’s hearts with his music and handsome looks. Well, it was around this time in 2009 that Justin Bieber would release his debut studio album. This album, “My World 2.0,” would debut at number one on the US Billboard […]

Channing Tatum y Dewan para estar en Nueva NBC Baile Serie

NBC ha decidido entrar en el juego de la competencia de baile espectáculo y ha mirado a Channing Tatum y Dewan para obtener ayuda. Seis episodios han sido concedidas, pero no un nombre ha sido decidido. Estos dos van a trabajar en diferentes, pero emocionantes capacidades para el espectáculo. Se espera que Dewan será tutor, […]

Channing and Dewan Tatum to Be on New NBC Dancing Series

NBC has decided to get into the dance show competition game and has looked to Channing and Dewan Tatum for assistance. Six episodes have been granted, but no name has been decided on. These two will be working in different, but exciting capacities for the show. It is expected that Dewan will be mentor as […]