Texas A&M Coach Sends Tweets That Causes Issues

Scouts, talent evaluators, and coaches everywhere always preach one thing about social media – don’t do it! The Internet somehow doesn’t miss a thing and it’s tweets and posts about stupid stuff that can really impact your livelihood. Well, one Texas A&M coach didn’t take this advice and promptly inserted his foot into his mouth […]

Drake Returns to SNL

It’s been about two years since Drake hosted Saturday Night Live, but with his recent album out and making waves, he makes for a great fit to host this month. On May 14th, that’s just what he’ll be doing. During that show, he’ll be hosting as well as being the musical performer according to SNL’s […]

Texas A & M entrenador Envía tweets que causa problemas

Exploradores, los evaluadores de talento y entrenadores de todo el mundo siempre predican una cosa sobre los medios sociales – no lo hagas! La Internet de alguna manera no se pierde nada y es tweets y posts sobre la materia estúpida que realmente puede afectar a su medio de vida. Pues bien, un entrenador de […]