Our Favorite Books Written About Out Favorite Artists

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a rock star I the 60s of 60s? The stories that must be told have often ended up in an artist’s memoirs – sure they have ghost writers, but being a fly on the wall sounds delicious. Here are our favorite books written by or about our favorite rockers…

Guns N’ Roses has an interesting story, from their birth in Los Angeles to breakup, tragedy to current reunion tour, only Saul Hudson could pull back the curtain. Oh, you didn’t know that Saul was Slash? Born in England and raised in Los Angeles, Slash takes his readers backstage to the beginning of ‘GNR’ with Axl, Izzy, Steven and Duff, through the great years, the legal battles, and the reconciliation. Simply titled ‘Slash,’ this book is a must read for rock fans of that era.

‘The Dirt, Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Bands’ is one of the most highly anticipated autobiographies of the year, spilling all the tawdry stories of Motely Crue.

He’s the drunken singer that literally it the head off a bird in an executive record label meeting, never apologizing for being one of a kind. He’s Ozzy Obourne, and his latest book is called ‘I Am Ozzy’ a must read, but not for the faint of heart.

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