Savannah Guthrie recently visited “The Drew Barrymore Show” to debut the first teaser trailer for her new show, “Princess Power,” that is set to air on Netflix. The animated series gets its base from Savannah’s bestselling children’s book, “Princesses Wear Pants,” that was co-authored by Allison Oppenheim, a parent educator and NBC News president Noah Oppenheim’s wife.
The trailer for the show gives a look at Rita Raspberry (Trinity Jo-Li Bliss), Kira Kiwi (Dana Heath), Penny Pineapple (Luna Bella) and Bea Blueberry (Madison Calderon) who all come from four different fruit kingdoms and use self-expression and their girl power in order to make it through any obstacles in their way. In the trailer they say, “With our princess power, we’ll always succeed,” while putting up their pinkies.
The new series follows a kid friendly storyline that speaks to anyone who has ever felt bad about their differences. A press release for “Princess Power” states that it follows princesses of four major fruit kingdoms who “embrace their differences and become stronger together to help their fellow fruitizens and make their world a better place.”
The release also made mention that the show attempts to teach young girls that, “it’s not just what you wear, but what you do that makes all the difference.” Drew Barrymore is one of the executive producers of the series, alongside Guthrie and Oppenheim. The list of guest stars the show has so far include Rita Moreno, who’ll be voicing Great Aunt Busyboots and Tan France, who’ll be the voice of Sir Benedict, Ian Loh as Joon, Madison Calderon as Bea, Dana Heath as Kira, and Micaiah Chen as Ara in
the 14-episode season that will make its debut on Netflix Jan. 30, 2023.
Guthrie added that, “It’s really cute, It’s about girls coming together to solve problems.”
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