National Cat Lovers’ Month is the Purrfect Time to Adopt – But Are You Ready?

National Cat Lovers Month takes place during the month of December. This month-long celebration is the perfect time to slow down and appreciate your cat(s) — and to look for ways to help cats in need.

If you don’t currently have a cat but you’ve been considering adoption, this would be the perfect time to look into this idea a little further, but first, ask yourself these questions:

  • Can I support him or her financially (vet care, food, medications, etc.)? 
  • Do I have the space in my home?
  • Will other members of my household (both human and furry) be okay with a new feline friend?
  • Am I prepared to care for my new pet and provide the social support it needs throughout his or her entire life?

Most Humane Societies will allow you to visit and play with the cats that are available for adoption so you can choose which animal might be best for you. 

If you do already have a cat, there are plenty of ways you can celebrate National Cat Lovers Month at home with your feline:

  • Purchase or DIY a few new toys to add to your cat’s rotation, keeping him or her active and engaged during the long winter months.
  • Have a photoshoot with your cat (either informally in your living room, or with a more professional camera) to get some cute shots for social media.
  • Get on top of your cat’s grooming. While regular brushing should already be part of your routine, trimming nails and brushing teeth should also get on the schedule every couple of weeks.

Photo Credit JW Design /