More Double Album Favorites

Who doesn’t like a two for one sale? Two for the price of one is too great ot pass up! How about two albums on the same purchase, or a double album deal? Here are more of our favorites…

“The Allman Brothers Live at Fillmore East” was the band’s third album released in 1971 and sold millions of copies. The double was recorded in New York City over three nights, and contained the classics such as “Whipping Post,” and “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed.” The double album is considered by many to be the greatest live rock and roll release of all time.

“Quadrophenia” by the Who was released in late 1973, giving the boys in the band one of their biggest sales and branding moments. The double album went platinum almost immediately after the release, and contains the memorable songs “The Real Me” and “Love, Reign o’er Me.”