Monica Bellucci on Embracing Her Age: “I Want to Get Old in a Peaceful Way”Monica Bellucci on Embracing Her Age: “I Want to Get Old in a Peaceful Way”

“There are so many women who are feeling free to get old in a different way,” Monica Bellucci explains in a new interview, admitting that, at 57, she doesn’t fear getting old. 

“I am not obsessed. I’ve always been a curvy woman, never so skinny, that’s my nature. And I want to get old in a peaceful way,” she shares. “When you are 50 or 60 you don’t have the same needs as when you are 20. You change, like when your baby comes into the room, you see that the first thing is her. We come in second. This gives us another perspective.”

Bellucci, who prefers wine and pasta over rigorous workouts and strict diets, says that aging is a fact of life and should, therefore, be embraced. 

“There are many different moments in life,” Bellucci muses. “When you are very young, you have what in France they call la beauté du diable, the beauty of the devil, which is just natural, it is the beauty of youth, the beauty of a biological moment in your life. And life goes on. The physique, it gets old and we have to deal with that. There is nothing we can do. At the same time we are lucky, because if we get old it means we have a long life. As the body goes down, the soul grows.”

Photo credit: Denis Makarenko /