Melissa Etheridge Taking Her Talents on Tour

Melissa Etheridge cares about women’s health (being a breast cancer survivor), the environment, and now the city of Flint, Michigan. Flint is the epicenter of the lead laced water scandal that has been unfolding, inspiring celebrates and musician from all walks of life and music genres to lend a helping hand.

Melissa has recently announced that she will donate 35,000 bottles of water, which arrived last week. She is currently on tour in Australia, but will return in April for a few intimate concert dates. Here is where you’ll find this gifted artist and caring citizen…

April 29 – Battle Creek, MI
April 30 – Champaign, IL
June 17 – Keene, NH
June 18 – Peekskill, NY
June 19 – Ithaca, NY
June 21- Carmel, IN
June 23 – Detroit, MI
June 24 – Cleveland Heights, OH
June 28 – Boston, MA
June 29 – New Bedford, MA